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Chattahoochee Humane Society's Shon Sims To Retire

Chattahoochee Humane Society today announced that Shon Sims, the Executive Director, has decided to retire effective August 16, 2022. Lisa Cofield will serve as the intern Shelter Director as we start to search for prospective candidates for Executive Director. Shon Sims began her tenure at the CHS, in February 2005.

Her qualifications included certifications in Kennel Management, Canine Master Trainer and Behaviorist, Experienced Animal Control Officer, and many years as a Veterinary Assistant. She set a goal to change the facility from Gas Chamber to Euthanasia by injection and accomplished that goal in less than 1 year, becoming the 23rd Registered Euthanasia By injection facility in the State of Alabama. Mrs. Sims implemented Spay/Neuter of every adopted animal from the facility even before it became a state law to ensure animals leaving the facility did not continue to contribute to the pet overpopulation problem and implemented medical protocols for all adopted animals.

Mrs. Sims knowledge of the state of Alabama Animal Laws is impeccable; she was instrumental in fighting for the County and Cities to pay pro rata shares of the actual costs to run the facility which significantly increased the contractual fees for the organization. Mrs. Sims with the help of Charter Bank Grants made many improvements to the facility over a period of many years. Getting new ceilings and insulation throughout the facility, and much-needed repairs.

During the 17 1/2 years of her employment, she has seen the number of animals coming in as high as 4,700 animals per year in 2005, to under 1,500 animals. (Pre-Pandemic) Mrs. Sims helped many families keep their pets by offering free obedience training to those in need. Started a Food assistance program for those pets in need, (when resources were available), Helped the food bank assist pets in need, and was always ready to go out and speak to the public about the need for Spay/ neuter laws.

“Sims has contributed 17.5 years of experience to Chattahoochee Humane Society, and her achievements should be revered and not be forgotten. Her work ethic, command of complex animal laws, devotion, focus, and general Christian love for ALL animals have been exemplary at the CHS” said John Radford, Vice-President of the Board of Directors.

“Sims has been a mentor to many, and her influence has made an indelible impact on generations of animal care professionals at CHS. I want to thank Sims for all she’s done for the development and progress of the CHS.”

Contact Info: John Radford, VP Board of Directors, CHS, 334-623-0073,

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