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City Of Lanett Issues Proclamation Ahead Of Chambers County Day of Prayer

Story by Amy Guinn

The Lanett City Council opened their regularly scheduled meeting with a prayer offered by Rodney Jones and the Pledge of Allegiance on August 1, 2022. The meeting was led by Lanett Mayor Jamie Heard.

One of the first orders of business was to declare August 5th as the 2022 annual Chambers County Day of Prayer. A copy of the mayor’s proclamation was read by City Councilman Ronnie Tucker and presented to Diane Perry, who organized the efforts to make the Day of Prayer possible. The document states that “We humbly acknowledge our dependence upon God for wisdom, courage, and power and upon the spiritual and moral support of all people of Chambers County.” The words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 were also included that speaks of God’s promises to hear the prayers of His people.

In her remarks of thanks to the council, Perry echoed the proclamation’s request for “the support of all people in praying for their leaders, thus enabling them to direct and serve to the best of their abilities.” She acknowledged the difficulties that come with positions of leadership and assured the council members that prayers will continue for them, as they have for the past 21 years that Chambers County has held a Day of Prayer.

After city invoices were approved, GMC was given the contract for the inspection of downtown streets and it was agreed to open a line of credit with Auburn Bank for the airport. Adjusted rates were also approved for customer utility poles to cover the city’s cost in lieu of the rising purchase price. In addition, a utility pole management advisory service agreement was approved that would map communication devices attached to city poles for revenue.

The council approved the reappointment of Ms. Martha Scott to the Chambers County Development Authority. The continuing appointment of Planning Board members was discussed and those present at the council meeting were recognized and thanked for their willingness to serve the community in this capacity.

A license for retail sales of off-premises beer and table wine was approved for Family Dollar Stores of Alabama LLC on Gilbert Avenue.

Details were given regarding the Back to School Bash and it was confirmed that the schools are not competing for funding, but rather a trophy. Donations will be divided equally among the schools by the city.

Lanett Utility Superintendent Allen Summers spoke to the council regarding the electrical grid, which has not been serviced since 2012 and a plan for maintenance on it is being arranged. Summers also suggested a backup truck for placing utility poles in the ground. The current one being out of service would impact the community during potential storms.

Temporary partial road closures due to storm drain repairs were also announced.

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