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COVID Update: Latest COVID-19 Numbers

On Tuesday, the Chambers County EMA reported the latest COVID-19 numbers, where they indicated an increase in Chambers County.

7,882 cases since COVID-19 began in 2020

+422 in the last 7 days(+407 cases the week of the 18th, + 451 cases the week of the 12th, +167 cases on the 6th) 7-day test totals: 176 positives(174 the previous 7 days & 188 positives the week before) These are NAAT tests only – other tests performed are not included in test total but ARE included in total cases reported per county – this count is likely higher since so many are taking at home tests”, said Chambers EMA Deputy Director Kathy Hornsby.

As of January 25th, the current COVID Stats are as follows:

Total cases: 7,460 Lives lost: 147 from 143 on December 14th (78 in 2020, 69 in 2021, 0 in 2022)

Community transmission level: we are in the red for high transmission level

Vaccine stats: Vaccine doses administered to Chambers County Residents up 35,626 from 35,314 on Jan 18th & from 35,203 on Jan 12th (17,057 completed series & 14,349 have received 1 or more doses)

As for the Chambers County School District, Nurse Cofield's Covid addressed that in an update.

228, 76 of those are positive

"I just wanted to share our numbers with you this week as Covid numbers for this week have improved. We have 228 students absent, 76 of those have tested positive for Covid. We have 16 teachers out and 8 have tested positive for Covid. The CDC recommends wearing masks and isolating the positive individual at home. If everyone in the family is in close contact with the positive family member, watch for symptoms of Covid and get tested if they start showing symptoms", said Cofield in a release.

Blood Plasma Donation: Patients who have recovered from COVID-19 can donate blood plasma and it is used in current patients with COVID-19 to help their bodies fight off the virus. If you have recovered from COVID-19, please consider donating blood so we can continue offering this treatment option to our patients. Call our local LifeSouth Community Blood Center at 334-705-0884 and ask to designate your donation to EAMC.

EVERY DROP COUNTS! LifeSouth is in critical need of blood donations for all blood types. (graphic with contact attached) For up to date information on data and surveillance (cases), school k-12 (cases), Vaccine Clinics (locations), Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Locations, and Vaccine Distribution, please go to:’s COVID-19 Dashboard Hub

** If you or anyone you know is experiencing COVID symptoms, whether positive or not, and are having breathing difficulties, please do not delay being seen by a healthcare professional! If it is an emergency, please dial 9-1-1! ** Find a COVID-19 vaccine near you. Text your zip code to 438829or visit

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