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Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth Discusses Economic Development and Job Creation in the State of Alabama

On Monday, April 25th, Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth gave an economic development update of the state of Alabama in Chambers County at the Chambers County Development Authority.  Lt. Governor Ainsworth was joined by State Senator Randy Price, Rep. Debbie Wood, and the Executive Director of the Chambers County Development Authority, Valerie Gray.  

Chambers County is one of the fastest growing regions in Alabama and is the home to some of the country’s most successful industries including forest products, warehousing and logistics, food and beverage, automotive, plastics, healthcare, telecommunications and building materials.  Chambers County is centrally located around eleven institutions of higher learning including Auburn University, Southern Union State Community College, Point University and Columbus State University.  

“It truly takes leadership and a team to fight for the working class and keep food on our table in this day and time.  What we are seeing on the national level won’t happen in our state.  We will continue to work together to recruit businesses, industries and create jobs to keep Alabama’s economy moving in the right direction.  East Alabama is thriving and continues to be an economic engine in our state.  From auto to industrial operations, utilizing local institutions of higher learning it continues to be a melting pot of economic growth.  I want to thank Senator Randy Price and Rep. Debbie Wood for their leadership and partnership.  As your Lt. Governor I will always support a pro-business friendly environment”, said Ainsworth.    

“We are experiencing the highest inflation in forty years from the Biden administration in our nation.  But here in Alabama, we are working together to fight this liberal agenda and federal overreach.  We are working to continue recruiting jobs and bringing industries to our state to keep our economy moving forward.  That takes leadership, partnerships, and cooperation from the local level to the state level.  I want to thank Lt. Governor Ainsworth for being here and being a leader by Governor Ivey’s side to keep jobs in our state and locally.  It is an honor to work with Rep. Debbie Wood and Director Valerie Gray to make sure we continue to thrive in Chambers County and all of East Alabama.  Chambers County is a short drive to Atlanta and Birmingham but is also home to rural economic development. East Alabama’s economy has evolved from textile industries to auto and other industrial operations in a short period of time and I am happy to be part of the team that will continue to help East Alabama thrive,” said Senator Randy Price.

In 2009 Chambers County had the highest unemployment in the state and our community was on the verge of losing hope. Textile giant West Point Stevens was moving out of our community and our identity seemed to change overnight. Community elected officials, businesses, private citizens along with the Chambers County Development Authority rallied to begin the process of attracting new industries. We have a proven record of overcoming obstacles and forging forward and today we have new jobs available for our citizens. I’m proud to have been a part of this effort and will continue working for our area in the same way I have been,” said Rep. Debbie Wood

“Chambers County is a community on the move, from our roots as a textile hub to our resurgence as an automotive destination, and now as a diversified economy with growth in the agricultural, food and beverage, and advanced manufacturing sectors, we are constantly evolving to strengthen our economic base and provide the best opportunities for our current and future residents.   None of this could be possible without the strong partnerships we have with our Senator and our Representatives and our team in the great State of AL.  We look forward to a continued relationship with a business friendly and proactive Legislative Delegation here in District 13 and District 38,” said Valerie Gray.

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