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Riley Pleased with Judge's Decision On School Consolidation and Site

On Friday, Honorable Judge Keith Watkins ruled in favor of building of a new consolidated high school in Valley. At that same time, Valley Mayor and former Chambers County School Superintendent Leonard Riley was doing a little yard work and had no idea until the moment his wife Debra broke the news that the city of Valley is the new home of the consolidated high school.

"I just think it's a great day for the city of Valley where the consolidated high school will be located. That site is going to save the Chambers County Board of Education 20-25 million dollars. We had the infrastructure and the other did not. I think Judge Watkins realized that and with Community Center, we have out here and 25, to 3o million dollars worth of facilities out here, we are ready for this consolidated school in Valley, Alabama", said Riley.

Riley, who served as Chambers County School Superintendent prior to being elected as Mayor of Valley had often contemplated the subject of consolidation and was overcome with joy upon hearing the news.

"I am proud for Valley. I have been waiting thirty years to hear this. So I am happy" added Riley.

The Valley Mayor shared the news at Monday's Council meeting.

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