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Severe Weather Threat Upgraded From Marginal to Enhanced

According to the Chambers EMA, the upgraded threat for Severe Weather has gone from marginal to enhanced with the possibility of straight-line damaging winds, making it a high threat for the area. Embedded tornadoes are an increasing threat within the line of storms, but a low threat ahead of the line and could produce a heavy rain 2-3 inches from the storm that could likely lead to flash flooding.


  • All of Central Alabama


  • Severe Storms and Flooding: 5 pm CST. Wednesday - 6 am Thursday

  • Non-Thunderstorm Wind: 9 am CST. Wednesday - 4 am Thursday


  • Damaging thunderstorm winds up to 80mph

  • Tornadoes

  • Non-thunderstorm wind gusts up to 50mph, with locally stronger gusts

  • Localized flooding

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