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Wood Seeks Re-Election For Alabama House District 38

Chambers County native Debbie Wood is running for re-election to the Alabama Legislature in House District 38.

“I am proud to serve District 38, and I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish these past four years,” Wood said. “. One of the things I am excited about is the lighting project on exits 77, and 79 in Chambers County that was funded by the Rebuild Alabama Act”, said Wood.

“My agenda over the last four years. One was to represent this District with dignity. We've had a lot of scandal in Montgomery, and the first thing I wanted to do is to represent this District the way it deserved to be represented through ethics, hard work mentality, and bringing some positivity as opposed to negative."

“I worked hard on a bill to allow military families to move to the state to get their child enrolled in school without an address. We passed a bill that states that you can enroll your child with your military orders, and later on prove your residency", added Wood.

Other bills that RepresentativeWood is working on include Exton's Bill, which would give Organ transplant recipients rights, and prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities. The proposed bill is named after 5-year-old Exton Black from Beulah, who has down syndrome. This bill would prevent possible denial of an organ transplant due to the cosmetic look of the individual pending a medical review.

A bill the Alabama House Rep. is very proud of over her last four years is the passing of HB521, which allowed families to be with their loved ones at the end of life,

"People need to be allowed to be there and to be allowed to be there for loved ones, especially during times of uncertainty. So many were unable to be there during COVID, and this bill will make sure that never happens again", Wood said.

In Conclusion, Wood addressed the elephant in the room... Will you support a lottery bill that Absolutelywould allow the citizens of District 38 to finally vote yes or no? Replied Wood.

Debbie Wood will be on the Republican Ballot for Alabama House Representative for District 38, and because she has no Democratic opposition, voters can bubble her in even if the voter does a straight-party ticket.

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